A First Look at Crown of Fangs


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brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
Posts: 115

Yeah, that undead owlbear has me chomping at the bit.

Those six columns would, too, if they'd just come out prior to my forking over a small fortune for several copies of MageKnight Artifacts Set #1. :P

I have a special personal interest in those ridiculous plates of food: I've always liked miniatures, and the very first "toy" I ever bought myself was a dollhouse accessory---a platter holding a large steak, garnished with vegetables. ;)

CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

It is my experience that one can never have too much terrain.

brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
Posts: 115

oh dear...

Now that the minis are out, I've been looking at detailed close-ups of the actual figures...and I'm unimpressed.

The paint application looks (usually) sloppy & without detail. I might tolerate that, since it can be fixed with some effort.

But the actual molding of the figures looks poor to pathetic. The larger figures don't seem to suffer as much, but the smaller ones lack any crispness, and seem to often be one glob melding into the next glob.

Maybe the close-ups are TOO close, and the figures look better in-hand, or on the table.

And some effort does seem to have been done with painting the eyes (but some heads look like those are not in the right place).

As folks get their actual figures, please comment on the quality!

I worry that my previous observation that Pathfinder Battles is slipping while Icons of the Realm hits its stride, may be all too true...

brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
Posts: 115

(And, YES, I know that I'm the doom-and-gloom badger who always complains about the imperfections of the lines...but, geez, just look at these things...!)

CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

I just got mine. I'll post some unboxing pics tomorrow when I open them up.

I did crack open the case incentive set and I saw that some of the figures are named and numbered. So I'll need to break that out into single figures in the database.

CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

I broke open my first brick and took some quick pictures. Overall, I'm pretty impressed with the figures. There are a few that are underwhelming (not loving the Bone Devil or the wereboar) but overall I'm liking the sculpts and liking the paints. So far, there's not a single figure I wouldn't put on the table.

I'd love to hear what you all think.

brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
Posts: 115

I'm certainly relieved to hear your assessment.

I've seen some more close-ups which make me less worried, but it still seems like the more common figures are unnecessarily vague in their sculptural detail. But, in light of that, I'm more appreciative of what detail the painters have actually attempted to distinguish.

CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

I have the whole case opened now. Apart from some of the rarity choices being a little odd (does anyone really need more than one Death figure?) I think the sculpts and paint jobs look pretty good. My favorites are the mounted Reclamation figures. Definitely need a few extras of those.