#24 - Gargoyle
Medium / Rare
#34 - Chimera
Large / Rare
#35 - Manticore
Large / Rare
#38 - Succubus
Medium / Rare
#1 - Scarlet Gargoyle
Medium / (No Rarity)
#2 - Succubus (Red)
Medium / (No Rarity)
#8 - Harpy
Medium / Common
#16 - Alu-Demon
Medium / Common
#25 - Nightgaunt
Medium / Uncommon
#35 - Wyvern
Large / Uncommon
#37 - Wrath Demon
Large / Uncommon
#11 - Greater Host Devil
Medium / Common
#50 - Daughter of Imerta
Large / Rare
#31 - Derhii
Large / Uncommon
#37 - Greater Death Demon
Large / Uncommon
#47 - Mothman
Medium / Rare
#48 - Sandpoint Devil
Large / (No Rarity)
#54 - Fire Demon
Large / Rare
#5 - Berbalang
Medium / Common
#10 - Invidiak
Medium / Common
#16 - Demonic Familiar
Small / Uncommon
#18 - Shaggy Fiend
Medium / Uncommon
#19 - Slimy Fiend
Medium / Uncommon
#20 - Tarry Fiend
Medium / Common
#21 - Incubus
Medium / Uncommon
#22 - Death Demon
Medium / Uncommon
#30 - Locust Demon
Large / Uncommon
#31 - Frost Drake
Large / Uncommon
#32 - Rift Drake
Large / Uncommon
#34 - Vescavor Queen
Large / Uncommon
#35 - Half-Fiend Minotaur
Large / Uncommon
#38 - Gimcrak
Small / Rare
#39 - Arueshalae
Medium / Rare
#40 - Areelu Vorlesh
Medium / Rare
#45 - Nocticula
Medium / Rare
#49 - Baphomet
Large / Rare
#50 - Khorramzadeh
Large / Rare
#52 - Mythic Chimera
Large / Rare
#54 - Gibrileth Demon
Large / Rare
#55 - Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
#3 - Raven
Small / Common
#9 - Maftet
Medium / Common
#41 - General Malesinder
Large / Rare
#45 - Gargantuan White Dragon
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
#27 - Forest Drake
Large / Uncommon
#41 - Lamashtu
Large / Rare
#42 - Pazuzu
Large / Rare
#43 - Large Green Dragon
Large / Rare
#44 - Large Bronze Dragon
Large / Rare
#45 - Shemhazian Demon
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
#4 - Bat
Small / Common
#16 - Dracolisk
Medium / (No Rarity)
#19 - Elder Thing
Medium / Uncommon
#20 - Mi-Go
Medium / Uncommon
#32 - Griffon
Large / Uncommon
#35 - Eidolon
Medium / Rare
#45 - Gargantuan Red Dragon
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
Padrig, Eidolon
Small / (No Rarity)
#41 - Silver Dragon
Large / Rare
Harpy (Tropical)
Medium / Promo
Red Dracolisk
Medium / Promo
#28 - Pegasus
Large / Uncommon
#29 - Wyvern
Large / Uncommon
#31 - Green Dragon
Large / Uncommon
#32 - Copper Dragon
Large / Uncommon
#37 - Aarakocra
Medium / Rare
#38 - Movanic Deva Angel
Medium / Rare
#39 - Harpy
Medium / Rare
#40 - Gargoyle
Medium / Rare
#41 - Blue Dragon
Large / Rare
#42 - Silver Dragon
Large / Rare
#43 - Gold Dragon
Large / Rare
#44 - Red Dragon
Large / Rare
#45 - Brass Dragon
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
#6 - Pseudodragon
Small / Common
#23 - Peryton
Medium / Uncommon
#30 - Solar Angel
Large / Uncommon
#31 - Hieracosphinx
Large / Uncommon
#32 - Griffon
Large / Uncommon
#37 - Darkenbeast
Medium / Rare
#38 - Black Dragon
Medium / Rare
#39 - Blue Dragon
Medium / Rare
#40 - Green Dragon
Medium / Rare
#41 - White Dragon
Large / Rare
#42 - Brass Dragon
Large / Rare
#43 - Bronze Dragon
Large / Rare
#44 - Chimera
Large / Rare
#45 - Ancient Silver Dragon
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
#20 - Shadow Demon
Medium / Uncommon
#29 - Vrock Demon
Large / Uncommon
#41 - Copper Dragon
Medium / Rare
#46 - Gold Dragon
Large / Rare
#47 - Nalfeshnee Demon
Large / Rare
#48 - Red Dracolich
Large / Rare
#50 - White Dracolich
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
#34 - Kapak Draconian
Medium / Uncommon
#52 - Gargoyle
Medium / Uncommon
#53 - Harpy
Medium / Uncommon
#33 - Erinyes
Medium / Rare
#47 - Aspect of Orcus
Large / Rare
#58 - Vrock
Large / Rare
#11 - Protectar
Medium / Uncommon
#37 - Manticore
Large / Rare
#57 - Quasit
Tiny / Uncommon
#25 - Wyvern
Large / Rare
#2 - Couatl
Large / Rare
#20 - Griffon
Large / Rare
#30 - Ambush Drake
Medium / Rare
#5 - Justice Archon
Medium / Uncommon
#9 - Sword Archon
Large / Rare
#10 - Trumpet Archon
Medium / Rare
#15 - Celestial Pegasus
Large / Rare
#43 - Imp
Tiny / Uncommon
#49 - Vargouille
Small / Uncommon
#21 - Rikka, Angelic Avenger
Medium / Rare
#26 - Justicator
Large / Rare
#41 - Balor
Large / Rare
#50 - Half Fiend Ogre
Large / Rare
#17 - Dragonne
Large / Rare
#45 - Chimera
Large / Rare
#5 - Golden Protector
Large / Rare
#13 - Griffon Cavalry
Large / Rare
#24 - Aspect of Tiamat
Huge / Rare
#32 - Dragonwrought Kobold
Small / Uncommon
#35 - Greenspawn Razorfiend
Large / Uncommon
#1 - Arcadian Hippogriff
Large / Rare
#10 - Solar
Large / Rare
#19 - Lillend
Large / Rare
#21 - Phoera
Medium / Uncommon
#34 - Horned Devil
Large / Rare
#42 - Pit Fiend
Large / Rare
#48 - Earth Element Gargoyle
Medium / Uncommon
#59 - Succubus
Medium / Rare
#13 - Asura
Medium / Rare
#22 - Pseudodragon
Tiny / Uncommon
#52 - Fire Mephit
Small / Uncommon
#1 - Arcadian Avenger
Medium / Uncommon
#6 - Earth Mephit
Small / Uncommon
#34 - Ice Mephit
Small / Uncommon
#36 - Lady Vol
Medium / Rare
#1 - Angel of Vengeance
Large / Rare
#8 - Sphinx
Large / Rare
#29 - Manticore Sniper
Large / Rare
#37 - Spined Devil
Medium / Uncommon
#55 - Shrieking Harpy
Medium / Uncommon
#62 - Spined Devil
Medium / Promo
#13 - Shadow Demon
Medium / Promo
#2 - Angel of Valor
Medium / Rare
#10 - Gargoyle
Medium / Uncommon
#16 - Shadow Demon
Medium / Uncommon
#20 - Vrock
Large / Rare
#21 - Ascendant Hellsword
Medium / Rare
#40 - Griffon
Large / Rare
#42 - Wyvern
Large / Rare
#58 - Shadow Hunter Bat
Medium / Uncommon
#1 - Shocktroop Devil
Large / Rare
#5 - Gnaw Demon
Small / Common
#26 - Fire Bat
Medium / Uncommon
#40 - Angel of Retribution
Large / Rare
#2 - Kuyutha, Exarch of Bahamut
Large / Rare
#5 - Grinning Imp
Small / Uncommon
#35 - Spiretop Drake
Small / Uncommon
#6 - Berbalang
Medium / Uncommon
#10 - Bonechill Chimera
Large / Rare
#24 - Harpy
Medium / Rare
#26 - Hippogriff
Large / Visible (Uncommon)
#37 - War Devil
Large / Visible (Uncommon)
#4 - Balor
Huge / Visible (Uncommon)
#32 - Rimefire Griffon
Large / Rare
#35 - Sivak Draconian
Large / Rare
#3 - Angel of Valor Legionnaire
Medium / Uncommon
#35 - Sorrowsworn Reaper
Medium / Rare
#7 - Crownwing
Large / Rare
#9 - Deva Fanatic
Medium / Rare
#29 - Mephistopheles, Lord of Cania
Large / Very Rare
#32 - Nalfeshnee Tyrant
Huge / Rare
#41 - Rot Harbinger
Medium / Rare
#49 - Swordwing
Medium / Rare
Gnaw Demon
Small / Promo
Ice Mephit
Small / Promo
Small / Promo
Snow Angel
Large / Promo
Spiked Nog
Large / Promo
Horned Devil
Large / (No Rarity)
#7 - Orcus, Prince of Undeath
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
#42 - Geonosian Overseer
Medium / Uncommon
#44 - Geonosian Soldier
Medium / Uncommon
#55 - Mynock
Small / Uncommon
#49 - Shyrack
Medium / Uncommon
#38 - Toydarian Soldier
Medium / Common
Medium / (No Rarity)
Medium / (No Rarity)
Young Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Peryton (KS Exclusive)
Medium / Promo
#1 - Faerie Dragon
Small / Common
#2 - Imp
Small / Common
#34 - Erinyes
Medium / Rare
#37 - Succubus
Medium / Rare
#41 - Manticore
Large / Rare
#2 - Accuser Devil
Small / Common
#6 - Peri
Medium / Common
#14 - Imp
Tiny / Uncommon
#18 - Celestial Trumpeter
Medium / Uncommon
#21 - Strix Sorcerer
Medium / Uncommon
#23 - Erinyes Devil
Medium / Uncommon
#33 - House Drake
Small / Rare
#41 - Gynosphinx
Large / Rare
#43 - Pit Devil
Large / Rare
#45 - Clockwork Dragon
Huge / Case Incentive
#46 - Star-Spawn of Cthulhu
Huge / Case Incentive
#2 - Sprite (Sword)
Small / Common
#3 - Sprite (Bow)
Small / Common
#5 - Homunculus
Small / Common
Medium / (No Rarity)
Medium / (No Rarity)
#23 - Brass Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Uncommon
#24 - White Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Uncommon
#27 - Hippogriff
Large / Uncommon
#29 - Planetar Angel
Large / Uncommon
#39 - Red Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Rare
#40 - Young Black Dragon
Large / Rare
#41 - Gynosphinx
Large / Rare
#43 - Androsphinx
Large / Rare
#27 - Issaya
Large / Uncommon
#29 - Red Reaver
Large / Uncommon
#30 - Leukodaemon
Large / Uncommon
#32 - Horned Devil
Large / Uncommon
#42 - Reclamation Sky Cavalry
Large / Rare
#44 - Gray Maiden Dragon Rider
Large / Rare
#10 - Monodrone
Medium / Unknown
#23 - Asharra
Medium / Uncommon
#28 - Pterafolk
Large / Uncommon
#32a - Nycaloth (Axe)
Large / Uncommon
#32b - Nycaloth (Sword)
Large / Uncommon
#37 - Couatl
Large / Rare
#44 - Giant Four-Armed Gargoyle
Large / Rare
Gargantuan / Promo
Gargantuan / Promo
Blue Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Copper Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Red Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Green Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Medium / (No Rarity)
Movanic Deva Angel
Medium / (No Rarity)
Medium / (No Rarity)
Silver Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Large / (No Rarity)
Medium / (No Rarity)
Gold Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Red Dracolich
Large / (No Rarity)
White Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Large / (No Rarity)
Young Blue Dragon
Medium / (No Rarity)
Brass Dragon
Large / (No Rarity)
Large / (No Rarity)
Young Black Dragon
Medium / (No Rarity)
Young Green Dragon
Medium / (No Rarity)
Ancient Brass Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Silver Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
#30 - Sea Drake
Large / Uncommon
#34 - Talmandor
Medium / Rare
#39 - Medium Copper Dragon
Medium / Rare
#41 - Nightmare Dragon
Large / Rare
#42 - Large Blue Dragon
Large / Rare
#2a - Magma Mephit
Small / Common
#2b - Mud Mephit
Small / Common
#14 - Winged Kobold
Small / Uncommon
#18 - Quadrone
Medium / Uncommon
#39a - Aasimar Paladin (Sword)
Medium / Rare
#39b - Aasimar Paladin (Flaming Sword)
Medium / Rare
#1 - Pixie
Small / Common
#10 - River Drake
Medium / Common
#11 - Sabosan
Medium / Common
#14 - Eagle
Small / Uncommon
#15 - Vulture
Small / Uncommon
#16 - Winged Chupacabra
Medium / Uncommon
#29 - Couatl
Large / Uncommon
Faerie Dragon (Invisible)
Small / Very Rare
Asharra (Invisible)
Medium / Very Rare
Couatl (Invisible)
Medium / Very Rare
Aasimar Paladin (Invisible)
Medium / Very Rare
Winged Snake
Medium / (No Rarity)
Winged Cat
Small / (No Rarity)
Small / (No Rarity)
#1 - Faerie Rogue
Medium / Unknown
#3 - Insect
Medium / Unknown
#16 - Drake
Medium / Unknown
#19 - Pegasus
Medium / Unknown
#23 - Angel
Medium / Unknown
#24 - Demon
Medium / Unknown
#26 - Dragon
Medium / Unknown
#1 - Fey Dragon
Small / Common
#22 - Gargoyle
Medium / Uncommon
#31 - Manticore
Large / Uncommon
Medium / Rare
#6 - Wind Drake
Medium / Common
#19 - Kraul Winged Warrior
Medium / Uncommon
#25 - Deathpact Angel
Medium / Uncommon
#30 - Sphinx of Judgment
Large / Uncommon
#31 - Skyjek Roc
Large / Uncommon
#37 - Kraul Death Priest
Medium / Rare
#42 - Nightveil Specter
Large / Rare
#43 - Archon of the Triumverate
Large / Rare
#3 - Vargouille (Black Hair)
Small / Common
#13 - Cambion Devil (Spear)
Medium / Common
#14 - Vargouille (Red hair)
Small / Uncommon
#17 - Cambion Devil (Flaming Sword)
Medium / Uncommon
#32a - Pit Fiend (Unarmed)
Large / Uncommon
#32b - Pit Fiend (Mace)
Large / Uncommon
#42 - Griffon Cavalry
Large / Rare
#5 - Tressym
Medium / Common
#39 - Arcturia
Medium / Rare
#43 - Balor
Huge / Rare
Arcturia (Invisible)
Medium / Very Rare
Pseudodragon on Perch
Medium / Case Incentive
#14 - Nosoi Psychopomp
Tiny / Uncommon
#16 - Jyoti
Medium / Uncommon
#21 - Sceaduinar
Medium / Uncommon
#24 - Vanth Psychopomp
Medium / Uncommon
#25 - Androsphinx
Large / Uncommon
#26 - Large Gold Dragon
Large / Uncommon
#35 - Morrigna Psychopomp
Medium / Rare
#41 - Empyrean Angel
Large / Rare
#45 - Niv-Mizzet, Izzet Guildmaster
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
#25 - Pteranodon
Large / Uncommon
#26 - Chimera
Large / Uncommon
#43 - Huge Blue Dragon
Huge / Rare
#44 - Boar Demon
Huge / Rare
Aasimar Wizard
Medium / (No Rarity)
#3 - Legion Spined Devil (Fork)
Small / Common
#9 - Abyssal Chicken
Small / Common
#11 - Legion Imp
Small / Common
#15 - Legion Spined Devil (Shield)
Small / Uncommon
#23 - Legion Erinyes
Medium / Uncommon
#30 - Legion Horned Devil
Large / Uncommon
#36 - Amnizu
Medium / Rare
#40 - Red Abishai
Medium / Rare
#41 - Legion Pit Fiend
Large / Rare
#42 - Legion Bone Devil
Large / Rare
Large / (No Rarity)
Medium / (No Rarity)
Large / (No Rarity)
Large / (No Rarity)
#39 - Blue Abishai
Medium / Rare
#1 - Chango
Large / (No Rarity)
#6 - White Abishai
Medium / (No Rarity)
#33 - Lady Vol
Medium / Rare
Aasimar Paladin
Medium / (No Rarity)
#23 - Harpy
Medium / Common
#42 - Large Green Dragon
Large / Rare
Adult Black Dragon
Huge / Case Incentive
Adult Red Dragon
Huge / Case Incentive
Adult Black Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Adult Blue Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Adult Bronze Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Adult Emerald Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Adult Gold Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Adult Green Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Adult Red Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Adult Silver Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Aspect of Tiamat
Gargantuan /
Balagos, Ancient Red Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Sapphire Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Colossal / (No Rarity)
#43 - Young Adult White Dragon
Large / Rare
#25 - Griffon
Large / Uncommon
#28 - Chimera
Large / Uncommon
#10 - Peryton
Medium / Common
#27 - Skaveling
Large / Uncommon
#49 - Jabberwock
Huge / Rare
#19 - Berbalang
Medium / Uncommon
#36 - Incubus
Medium / Rare
#43 - Young Blue Dragon
Large / Rare
#44 - Young Red Dragon
Large / Rare
Mengkare, Great Wyrm Gold Dragon
Gargantuan / Case Incentive
#8 - Winged Kobold
Small / (No Rarity)
#38 - Succubus
Medium / Rare
#43 - Adult Copper Dragon
Huge / Rare
#44 - Adult White Dragon
Huge / Rare
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
#8 - Griffon Hatchling
Small / Common
#13 - Cambion
Medium / Common
#16 - Gargoyle
Medium / Uncommon
#23 - White Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Uncommon
Blue Dracolich
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Green Dracolich
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
#5 - Pegasus
Large / (No Rarity)
Medium / (No Rarity)
#10 - Giant Eagle
Large / (No Rarity)
#8 - Tuku, Eidolon
Medium / (No Rarity)
#23 - Peryton
Medium / Uncommon
#30 - Cradlefall
Medium / Uncommon
#48 - Jabberwock
Large / Rare
Orcus, Demon Lord of Undeath
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Adult Cloud Dragon
Gargantuan /
#7 - Deep Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Common
#10 - Blue Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Common
#13 - Emerald Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Uncommon
#20 - Green Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Uncommon
#21 - Black Dragon Wyrmling
Medium / Uncommon
#25 - Liondrake
Large / Uncommon
#26 - Young Moonstone Dragon
Huge / Uncommon
#27 - Young Crystal Dragon
Huge / Uncommon
#42 - Young Amethyst Dragon
Huge / Rare
#44 - Eyedrake
Huge / Rare
#45 - Young Sapphire Dragon
Huge / Rare
#1 - Red Faerie Dragon
Small / (No Rarity)
#2 - Orange Faerie Dragon
Small / (No Rarity)
#3 - Yellow Faerie Dragon
Small / (No Rarity)
#4 - Green Faerie Dragon
Small / (No Rarity)
#5 - Blue Faerie Dragon
Small / (No Rarity)
#6 - Indigo Faerie Dragon
Small / (No Rarity)
#7 - Purple Faerie Dragon
Small / (No Rarity)
Adult Solar Dragon
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Ancient Gold Dragon
Ship Scale / (No Rarity)
Ancient Lunar Dragon
Ship Scale / (No Rarity)
Ancient Solar Dragon
Ship Scale / (No Rarity)
Adult Red Dragon
Ship Scale / (No Rarity)
Adult Umbral Dragon,
Gargantuan / (No Rarity)
Young Lunar Dragon
Large / Promo
Large / (No Rarity)
Medium / (No Rarity)
Crystal Dragon Wrymling
Small / Promo
Crystal Dragon Wrymling
Small / Promo