No updates for a long time, a couple of sets have been released and nothing here, no news or otherwise. Shoot. This was cool while it lasted. :(
Is the site dead?
Wed, 07/25/2018 - 09:25
Is the site dead?
The site is still very much alive. I've just been way behind on updates. Everything that's been released for Icons of the Realms and Pathfinder should be available for tracking. Feel free to post any previews you find here in the forums if you want to give me a nudge.
The last two large sets came out close together, so there's been a larger than usual gap between new ones. It looks like several sets are just about to come out, and several figure previews have just been released.
These forums, alas, have never taken off with the kind of fire I think they deserve.
And everyone's probably just tired with summer activities & the heat.